
Since opening in 2003, Crossroads Pregnancy Resource Center (CPRC) has been serving women and families facing unplanned pregnancy in a safe, confidential, judgment-free environment. CPRC serves women and families in the five parish Bayou Region of Lafourche, Terrebonne, Assumption, St. Mary, and St. James.

Our desire is to provide a life-affirming alternative to abortion in our community. Many women choose abortion because they feel it is their only option. With support, resources, and people to come alongside them, they feel empowered to choose life.

We’ve seen this over and over again in our 19 years of existence. We’re honored to be part of so many women’s lives and for the ability to be the hands and feet of Jesus to them. In a world and culture that tells women they don’t have what it takes to be mothers and they’d be better off aborting their children, we are here to tell them they can do it. And we walk beside them every step of the way.

Ongoing Work

Our work would not be possible without the faithful financial support and prayers of our partners. If you would like to play a role in the ongoing work of Crossroads and in the lives of the women we serve, we’d love your partnership. Your financial donations help us reach more women who feel abortion is their only option.

To be part of our ongoing service to women in the community, we need the hands-on commitment of people like you. People who value life and want to see an end to abortion in our city, state, and nation. Please consider becoming a financial partner and prayer partner to support our work to empower women and end abortion.

We can’t do this without you! To learn more, visit our support page to learn about the variety of ways you can be involved. Together, we can serve women and save lives!